Fast and Easy Way to Pick Up Leaves

What Is the Best Way to Pick Up Leaves?

When fall comes around, there also comes a chore that not many people enjoy doing. Picking up leaves can be a tiring and boring task. So, today, we'll show you the best way to pick up leaves so that you can do it more efficiently and faster!

Leaf removal is not only essential for your yard's aesthetics. There are also other benefits. If you don't clean up your leaves, they can smother your lawn and attract pests. They can also hinder the growth of cool-season grasses.

For that reason, cleaning up the fallen leaves will make sure your yard stays beautiful and in optimal condition. In this blog, we'll discuss some tips to ensure you do this task the right way. Then, we'll talk about some of the best tools for the job! So, don't wait anymore and keep reading!

The Best Way to Pick Up Leaves: Some Tips You Must Follow

Whether you are throwing away your leaves or making a compost pile, picking up leaves can be a tedious job. But, with our help, you can get this done faster and without exhausting yourself.

After reading this blog, you'll see that there's no excuse to just let your leaves sit on your lawn. Instead, you just have to change or update your techniques!

Some of the tips for the best way to pick up leaves is to wait for them to finish falling and to rake them in rows. Also, place the piles of leaves in bags and rake them before it rains. Finally, wear the right clothes and choose the best tools!

Wait for the Leaves to Finish Falling

We understand that you may want to start picking the leaves as soon as they start falling. But, you could end up wasting time and energy. Instead, make sure that all the leaves in your trees have finished falling, or at least the majority.

To clean your garden of leaves you will need a broom or rake, gloves, dustpan, and garbage bags. It is best to clean in areas, starting at the ends, sweeping the leaves in small piles.

Rake the Leaves in Rows

What the majority of people do when they start raking the leaves is they rake them in the center of the yard. But, this can end up in a huge mess. As a result, you'll waste more time and energy.

If your garden is small then it is best to pile the leaves with a rake, but if the surface is large then you should use a blower. What we recommend doing is raking the leaves in rows. If you perform this task in an orderly manner then you will clean your garden quickly.

Place the Piles of Leaves in Bags

Place piles of leaves in bags

There's nothing worse than to finish picking up the leaves only to see that the wind has scattered them. This is also another waste of time and energy since you now have to start all over again. So, as soon as you have a leaf pile, place them in a bag. Do not accumulate large piles of leaves.

We recommend emptying the waste bag after each use, clean it and ventilate it well if it is dirty to avoid the appearance of fungus. You must make sure to collect all the leaves and not leave residues in your garden. If you want to recycle the dried leaves, then you can turn them into compost.

Rake Before It Rains

Another tip to keep in mind is to rake the leaves before it rains. If the forecast predicts that it will rain, then start raking leaves before it starts!

If you want the water to penetrate to the roots of your trees and your grass then you must make sure to remove all the leaves from the surface. In case the rainy season is approaching, then you should try to remove the leaves and prepare your garden.

Wear the Right Clothes

Since leaf removal can sometimes be a heavy-duty job, you should wear the appropriate clothes.

Firstly, make sure that the clothes you put on are old and meant for housework. Don't forget to wear gloves to avoid blisters, caused by rubbing with tools, and wear closed shoes. If you suffer from allergies, we recommend doing this work with a mask.

The Best Tools to Pick Up Leaves

Finally, let's talk about some of the best tools to pick up leaves! We know that there are many garden tools that you can use to make this job easier, but we are going to focus on the main four.

Each of these tools will help you collect the leaves quickly and easily. Next, we will explain how to use each tool and the benefits they offer you.

Lawn Sweeper

The first tool we recommend is a lawn sweeper. This sometimes may look like a lawnmower, but instead of cutting your grass, it will pick up the leaves. Not only does it pick up leaves, but it can also pick up twigs, pine cones, and debris.

You attach the lawn sweeper to the back of a lawn tractor, and then you just work your way through your yard.

Leaf Rake

Leaf rake on lawn

Next is your regular leaf rake. This option is fine if you don't have a lot of leaves in your yard. But, if your entire lawn is covered in leaves, then we recommend considering another option.

After you've raked your leaves, then you can place them in your leaf bag for your compost or trash. Leaf cleanup can be tricky if you don't use the correct tools.

Leaf Scoops

If you really enjoy doing outdoor work, then you might enjoy the leaf scoops. This is because, with the leaf scoops, you would have to get down every time to pick a pile of leaves.

This tool is made of high impact plastic. We recommend them because they are ideal for picking up large bunches of grass, leaves, and debris. If you want a tool that helps you collect a large number of leaves in a raid and effective way then you should get some leaf scoops.

Leaf Blowers

Leaf blowers

Finally, you can use leaf blowers to take all the leaves into a pile. A leaf blower will not pick the leaves for you. Instead, it will only clear your yard so that all the leaves are together in one or two piles.

After using the blower, you can use a leaf vacuum or scoop to pick up the leaves and place them in a bag.

We hope this guide helped you understand which is the best way to pick up leaves. Now you know that you can use different tools such as lawn sweepers, leaf scoops, and leaf blowers.


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